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Case Study 1 - Wisebro Innovation Lab

Mosaic Business Analytics Tool


Our company collaborated with Fractal Ink, Mumbai, to deliver a comprehensive solution for the client LnT Infotech, Pune. We were tasked with elevating a business intelligence, analytical, and data-wrangling platform called the Mosaic. Over a period of six months, our team of three, comprising a Product Designer, Design Manager, and Lead UX, worked closely LTI to design and develop the product from scratch.


LnT Infotech had built an innovative business intelligence and data-wrangling platform, but it was failing to meet user needs. The platform was overly complex and lacked an intuitive, user-friendly interface. The target users were business owners and non-analyst clients who needed a tool that was easy to use and promoted collaboration. The platform was missing critical collaboration features and lacked an effective system for reusing information and presets created by the Mosaic team and their clients. This resulted in a lack of trust and low adoption rates.

The challenge was to design a user-centric platform that facilitated collaboration and leveraged information to train the system's AI to suggest rules and data sets, enabling users to take quicker actions.

Process and Solution

We followed a comprehensive design process that began with user workshops and task-flow diagrams, and included benchmarking, concept sketches, screen-flow diagrams, and wireframes. Our goal was to make an innovative data-wrangling and business intelligence tool more intuitive and easier to use for non-analyst clients. Working closely with the clients and development team, we prioritized and ordered the hierarchy of information, resulting in the successful design of the product.

Our team worked on key features such as data visualization, data wrangling, dashboards, and analytics to create a robust platform that could handle large volumes of data and deliver real-time insights.

Our design process included the following steps:

  • User Research: We conducted two workshops to understand user aspirations and pain points. We also used a visioning workshop to understand mental models.

  • Competitive Analysis: We benchmarked similar products in the market and collected design strategies implemented by competitors.
  • Task Analysis: After identifying goals and workflows, we created a task-flow diagram to automate some of the steps and improve the user experience.
  • Concept Sketching: We created 10x10 concept sketches to come up with possible new features and functionalities.

  • Screen-Flow Diagramming: With clarity on user actions and features, we developed screen-flow diagrams to prioritize and order the hierarchy of information.
  • Wireframing: After numerous iterations and discussions, we developed high-fidelity wireframes with detailed presentations and prototyped mockups for each client review. We also engaged in rapid prototyping and testing with the client team and some of their customers to attain feedback and make improvements.

  • Visual Design: We began by creating a mood board to capture the overall look and feel of the product, then explored multiple visual design options for the user interface. By leveraging UI design principles such as typography, color theory, and visual hierarchy, we ensured that the UI was both aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

  • UX Documentation: To ensure a seamless development process, we developed a comprehensive UX documentation process that relayed information to the client's in-house development team in the best possible way. We provided support to the development team by creating detailed wireframes, style guides, and user flows that clearly conveyed our collective vision for the product.
  • Supporting the Development Team: In addition to providing comprehensive UX documentation, we worked closely with the development team to answer any questions, provide additional design guidance, and ensure that the final product met the UX goals and objectives we established during the design process. This close collaboration was essential to ensuring the successful launch of the product.


Our work with Fractal Ink and LTI resulted in a successful prototype that met the client's expectations and requirements. The platform was designed to improve data visualization, data analysis, and data processing for businesses, leading to greater insights and informed decision-making. Our team's design thinking approach enabled us to create a user-centric platform that delivered a seamless and intuitive experience to users. The platform's user engagement metrics have demonstrated its success, with high usage rates and positive feedback from users.

While we were not involved in the final launch of the product, we were proud to have played a significant role in bringing it to life. This project demonstrates our expertise in delivering end-to-end UX solutions and our commitment to delivering high-quality products that exceed client expectations.

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